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Yun Zi's Party Invitation

Posted by Jeroen Jacobs | Date: 2011 07 14 | In: San Diego Zoo


Yun Zi’s second birthday is on Friday, August 5, 2011. The birthday bear and his keepers would like to share this special day with all of his adoring fans, friends, and family. This not-so-little bear (126 pounds or 57.4 kilograms) is getting excited about his big day. But one day is not enough for our boy, so we are going to be spoiling this panda during an entire week!

We will give Yun Zi several birthday presents that he can tear open and enjoy, so look for lots of “gift boxes” and special enrichment items Monday through Friday, starting on Monday, August 1. On August 5, around noon, our Forage Department will present Yun Zi with one of their unique and famous ice cakes.

What do you think this bear would wish for on his birthday when he breaks off his Number 2? Yun Zi is hoping you can come and celebrate his second birthday with him! If you cannot be here in person, you can celebrate Yun Zi’s birthday in your own home courtesy of our Panda Cam. So “RSVP” in our comment section. We hope to see you August 1 to 5!

Jennifer Becerra (Senior keeper @ San Diego Zoo)

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