Put your black-and-white thinking caps on, because San Diego Zoo needs your help to name their new panda cub. Starting on Monday, September 17, they will be taking name submissions on the San Diego Zoo Global Wildlife Conservancy website: www.sandiegozooglobal.org
If you’d like to submit a name, it will need to be in Chinese with an English translation. Pinyin is the official system to transcribe Chinese characters into Latin script. When you submit the name, the meaning and significance to you must be included in order for the suggestion to be considered.
For those who might be new to watching our bears, here are the names of the cub’s immediate family:
• His mother is Bai Yun (white cloud) and his father is Gao Gao (big big).
• He has one half sister, Hua Mei (China USA); two brothers, Mei Sheng (born in the USA or beautiful life) and Yun Zi (son of cloud); and two sisters, Su Lin (a little bit of something very cute) and Zhen Zhen (precious).
Then, in October, be sure to vote online for one of the approved names for the cub. Following the Chinese cultural tradition of naming a giant panda after it is 100 days old, so expect to learn the winning name for the cub in mid-November.
Source: San Diego Zoo