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Cui Cui & Duo Duo left Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo

Posted by Jeroen Jacobs | Date: 2012 04 06 | In: CCRCGP Ya'an Base, Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo


Cui Cui and Duo Duo have left Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo to go back to Sichuan to mate and have cubs at the Ya’an Bi Feng Xia Base of CCRCGP. Both pandas were both born in 2006 in Wolong. After the earthquake of May 2008, Cui Cui and Duo Duo, along with Cui Cui’s twin brother Lang Lang moved to the Beijing Zoo. In April 2009 the trio was moved to the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Unfortunately Lang Lang died of epileptic seizures on December 16, 2010.

A brief farewell ceremony was held at the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo.

Click here for more pictures: http://www.njdaily.cn/2012/0405/117360.shtml

Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/photo/2012-04/05/c_122931761_2.htm

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