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Ying Hua gives birth to a cub @ CCRCGP

Posted by Jeroen Jacobs | Date: 2013 08 09 | In: CCRCGP Ya'an Base


Ying Hua gave birth to a female cub on August 8, 2013 at the Ya’an Bi Feng Xia Base of CCRCGP. Ying Hua came to Bifengxia from the Beijing Zoo on February 21, 2013 to breed, and on April 5, she mated succesfully with male panda Bai Yang. She was also artificially inseminated the following day.

Ying Hua was born at Wolong and later went to live at the Beijing Zoo in an exchange for giant panda Tian Tian to foster genetic diversity. Tian Tian currently lives at the Edinburgh Zoo.

Source: http://news.beiww.com/2013/0809/article_125192.html

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