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Feng Yi gives birth to a cub @ CCRCGP

Posted by Jeroen Jacobs | Date: 2013 08 31 | In: CCRCGP Ya'an Base


Feng Yi gave birth to a cub on August 18, 2013 at the Ya’an Bi Feng Xia Base of CCRCGP.

The new panda mother will move to Zoo Negara in Malaysia next year with Fu Wa.

Feng Yi came into estrus the previous two years but she was away in Guilin where there were no male pandas so she spent a lot of time destroying trees and cooling off in her pool. This year, the decision was made to mate her and let nature take its course. Not every mating results in pregnancy. In Feng Yi’s case, it not only resulted in pregnancy but a new cub, too.

She’s the second female from her birth year to become a mother. Last year, Si Xue gave birth to twins.

Source: http://mypandas.org/2013/08/feng-yi-is-a-new-mummy/
Source: http://pandaclub1.kepu.net.cn/news/club_news/10483.html

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