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Adelaide Zoo keepers first days in Ya'an

Posted by Jeroen Jacobs | Date: 2011 04 15 | In: Adelaide Zoo, CCRCGP Ya'an Base


Adelaide Zoo’s Senior Panda Keeper Simone Davey, and Assistant Curator Jason Hakof, are spending two weeks at the CCRCGP Ya’an Bi Feng Xia Panda Base, learning ways to maximise the chances of successful panda matings. Here is an update on their first days in China.

Well, to say that we have been lucky is an understatement here at the panda base. We have been so lucky!!!! Yesterday was our first day back at the base since I left with Wang Wang and Fu Ni by my side. It was strange to come back as all the excitement and anticipation of the past events came rushing back! Now 18 months on from my first meeting of Wang Wang and Fu Ni I am back, a lot wiser but still with so much to learn.

When we arrived at the base it was nice to be greeted by many familiar and friendly faces that we had met during our last visit. Straight away we were told that we were very fortunate to have arrived when we did, as they were going to be doing an introduction of a male and female giant panda for breeding that very same day!

We headed to the introduction and birthing facilities and to our surprise (and delight) we were introduced to three visiting staff from other institutions. There is currently one panda keeper from Hong Kong’s Ocean Park, a PhD student from Oregon Zoo (in association with San Diego Zoo) and another PhD and Veterinarian, in association with Washington Zoo!

We were so thrilled when they met us and called us their lucky charms. Two of these visiting staff had already been at the panda base for almost 3 weeks and had not seen any introductions or Artificial Inseminations (AI) procedures. On our first day we were able to see a natural mating, we felt very privileged! We thought that nothing could top that as a first day experience…then today when we arrived we were told we were going to be able to see an AI procedure as well!

So we have only been at the base for two days and have been so lucky to see the two most important things we have come to see. We have already learnt so much and are very hopeful that we continue to see more matings during our stay. This information that we are learning will play a vital role in how successful we will be in the future with Wang Wang and Fu Ni. I am so thrilled and excited for what lies ahead for Adelaide Zoo and our wonderful black and white friends!

Article by Simone Davey (Senior Panda Keeper @ Adelaide Zoo)

Source: Adelaide Zoo, www.giantpanda.org.au

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