Fu Hu & Cai Yun moved from the Ya’an Bi feng Xia Base of CCRCGP to the Jinan City Zoo on January 30, 2013. Female panda Cai Yun and male panda Fu Hu (who was born at Zoo Vienna and recently returned to China) are both two-and-a-half-year-old. The pandas were heartily welcomed by members of the Jinan Zoo community.
The Jinan City Zoo has been without pandas since 2010 when 21-year-old panda #20 died.
Many improvements were made to the old panda house and a professional giant panda keeper from Wolong will stay with the pandas.
The giant pandas will be on view before the Spring Festival.
Source: http://sd.dzwww.com/sdnews/201301/t20130130_7968175.htm
Source: http://news.iqilu.com/shandong/yuanchuang/2013/0130/1439519.shtml