Duo Duo and Ya Xiang have been moved from Bifengxia to the Zoo in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province.
Duo Duo, You You’s daughter born in 2006 in Wolong, was at the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo with Cui Cui, they left on April 5, 2012 to go back to Sichuan.
Ya Xiang, born at the Chengdu Base in 2001, his mother is Ya Ya and his father is Ha Lan. He was recently transferred to Bifengxia as part of an exchange between Bifengxia and Chengdu.
It has been 11 years since the Shijiazhuang Zoo had giant pandas!
Source: http://sjz.yzdsb.com.cn/system/2012/04/28/011695960.shtml
Source: http://roll.sohu.com/20120427/n341784767.shtml