“Three giant pandas, Hai Bang, Yang Bang and You Bang are coming home on June 5th, 2017. They are now living in Adventure World in Shirahama,Wakayama in Japan. In the spring of 2000, giant panda Liang Bang mates with Yong Ming and Liang Bang gave birth to twin panda cubs Hai Bang and Yang Bang in August. Two years later, Liang Bang gave birth to You Bang. They grow up healthily and now it’s time to go back to China.”
By “coming home” they mean moving to the Chengdu Base as the entire family of pandas living at the Adventure World in Japan “belong” to the Chengdu Base, even if they were born there.
Hai Bang aka Kai Hin, male, and his sister Yang Bang aka You Hin were born on August 10, 2010.
You Bang aka Yu Hin, female, was born on August 10, 2012. Her twin brother was stillborn.
The parents of those three cubs are mother Rau Hin aka Liang Bang and father Ei Mei aka Yong Ming.
They will be moving to the ancestral home of their parents on June 5, 2017.
Source: Pandapia HD